Silvopasture Scenarios for California

Silvopasture Scenarios for California were created to aid California producers in their consideration of silvopasture. These scenarios are intended as a starting point to help producers understand what general questions they might need to ask in starting such an operation and hopefully answer a few of them as well.

Each document highlights approaches, considerations, and potential benefits of three silvopasture scenarios, as well as resources for more information. These three scenarios were chosen based on what we observed to be most relevant to producers identified via a statewide survey and field visits.

To see what these scenarios might look like on the ground, be sure to also check out the California Silvopasture Producer Profiles.


Sheep graze the almond orchard at Gonzales-Siemens Family Farm in Wasco, California.

Integrating Animals into Orchards


A Longhorn cow passes safely by a Blue Oak silvopasture planting at Bobcat Ranch located in Winters, California, and owned/operated by California Audubon. (PC: D. Weidhofer)


Planting Trees on Rangeland

Sheep graze at the Paicines Ranch vineyard in Paicines, California. The vineyard was designed as a silvopasture system with a high cordon trellis system that allows for year-round grazing. (PC: Paicines Ranch)

Managing Vineyards with Sheep